Ability to search and export contacts that are confirmed to have a business email.
Mishelle Fisher
Hi there, thank you for this great suggestion!
As a quick reminder to all, RocketReach offers all paid users and free users 3 valuable features that ensure you never have to worry about wasting credits:
1️⃣ Email Type Preference: Choose "Only Professional" if you only want work emails and won't be using personal emails (or choose "Only Personal" to disregard professional emails).
2️⃣ Real Time Verification: Always get the freshest data.
3️⃣ Only Use Credits for Verified: You won't use a credit if we're unable to provide at least one verified email address or phone number.
The easiest way to export a contact list with confirmed business emails is to enable the "Only Personal" setting then use the "Bulk Add" feature from the search results. For step by step guidance, please check out the Help Center or contact Support!